Nešto o meni

Nadimci:TETEJka,Tempirana bomba,ja sam se prozwala Oblizalo curom...hhh
Godina rođenja:1995.
Volim:Jednog dečka
Prijatelji:Nikola,puno Mateja,Tomislav F.,Valentina,Sara,
Tonka,par Ivana,Zvonimir,Damir,Jan,Ivan,Duje, moja naj sestrična Marina......
Kosa i oči:Smeđe
Moj msn:
Slusam owe grupe: Nirvana
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Def leppard
Hladno pivo
....ima ih jos puuuuuuunooo....


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Ja sam:hm...iskrena,nekada mal perwerzna (samo kada to zelim,hhhrolleyesdead),luda,zaljubljena,ostalo sam pitala druge...:nisam umisljena,cool,lijepa,sweet,super frendica,super sestricna,iskrena,draga,totalno luda...ja o sebi ne mislim nis...moram druge pitata,znam sam ono sto sam napisala...LoL,pisat cu wam jos...

-uwijek mislim na NEKOG
-imam super frendowe i ima ih puno
-sam good girl (good girls do bad things;good girls are just bad girls who don't get caught)
-treniram odbojku
-sam cokoholicarka
-sam iskrena
-cesto igram biljar na playtoyu
-brzo mogu nekoga zawolit
-sam powucena,al ne prewise i nisam emo kid,LoL
-sam wery osjecajna i lako me mozes powrijedit ili usrecit
-sam skromna osoba
-ne trazim puno
-sam dijelom sebe anarhist,shwatite to kak ocete...
-se cesto dopam,LoL
-sad idem,ali pisat cu wam tu jos,samo sad nemam wremena....

Moji naj...
-Filmowi:Zawjet sutnje (The Covenant),ostale cu napisat kad se sjetim kak se zowu,LoL
-Glumci:Tyler Kitsch,Steven Strait,skoro swi glumci iz filma Zawjet sutnje,Barry Watson,Travis Fimmel
-Glumice:Angelina Jolie
-Pjevaci:David Coverdale,Anthony Kiedis,Kurt Cobain,Alice Cooper,Ivan Decak,swi iz mojih naj grupa,a njih imate na puno mjesta,pa wam necu opet pisat,LoL
-Hrana:Slana torta,sendwic,LoL
-Pjesma: A jooj,ima ih...


-glazbu-swe osim cajki je ok
-večernju šetnju
-francusku salatu,LoL
-se dop
-zaj******** u drustwu
-imat slobodan sat,LoL
-bit sama kod kuce...ili s...(a to se rijetko dogodi)
-swoju ljubaw
-swoj blogich
-slikat swe i swasta
-engleski jezik
-bit wani

Ne volim

-umišljene ljude
-se slikat
-dosadne knjige
-preserawanja jedne osobe
-tracewe,a pogotowo lazne,grrrr

Ewo malo swacega...

Kako zezat starce:
1.Pratite ih svugdje po kuci.
2.Pocnite lajati svaki put kada izgowore wase ime.
3.Prawite se da imate amneziju.
4.Pricajte unatrag.
5.Zabijajte se u zidowe.
6.Recite im da se nosenje odjece protiwi wasoj wjeri.
7.Upadnite im u sobu u 04:00h ujutro i recite: „Dobro jutro sunasce!!!!“.
8.zarokcite svaki put kada se smijete,a onda sve jace...
9.Goworite swe rijeci iz filma.
10.Iscupajte im pramen kose i viknite: „DNA!!!“.
11.Nosite naljepnicu s natpisom: „I am retarted!“.
12.Pricajte s olowkom.
13.Imajte 20 zamisljenih prijatelja i pricajte s njima cijelo wrijeme.
14.Pokusawajte se popeti na zidowe.
15.U jawnosti wicite: „Ne mama,necu te poljubiti!“.
16.Zabijajte si kolce u nos i oci.
17.Neko wrijeme palite i gasite swijetlo,a onda recite: „Ahaa,sad kuziiim!“.
18.Jedite kosu.
19.Primite ih za ruku i prosapcite: „I see dead people...“.
20.Dok se tusirate ili kupate wicite: „Utapam seee!!!!!!“.
21.Na swe sto kazu,uzwratite s: „Lazljiwce!“.
22.Prawite se da ste telefon.
23.Pokusawajte pliwati po podu.
24.Kucajte im na wrata cijele noci.
25.Gledajte ih rawno u oci duze wrijeme i onda recite: „Ti si jedan od njih!!“.

Kako zezati ljude u liftu...

1. Kada je pored tebe samo jedna osoba, lupni je po leđima pa se pravi da nisi ti.
2. Pritisni gumb i pravi se da te udarila struja.
3. Zadrži vrata otvorena i reci da čekas prijatelja. Par sekundi kasnije zatvori vrata (praveći se da je netko ušao) i kaži:"E,di si buraz, šta ima.."
4. Ponesi foto-aparat i slikaj sve prisutne.
5. Pravi se da si steward. Prisutnima objasni postupak u slučaju opasnosti i na kraju im poželi sretan put.
6. Kad se vrata zatvore kaži prisutnima: "Bez panike, opet će se otvoriti."
7. Lupaj glavom o zid i viči: "Umuknite svi! Ušutite već jednom!"
8. Simuliraj zvukove eksplozije svaki put kad netko pritisne gumb.
9. Cerekaj se i bulji u nekog putnika,a onda mu debilnim glasom kaži:"Imam nove čarapeeee.."
10. Imitiraj zvukove Formule 1 kad god netko uđe u lift.
11. Ispuši nos i pokaži sadržaj svoje maramice ostalim putnicima.
12. Zviždući prvu strofu "Lijepe naše", neprestano.
13. Nasloni se na nekog i šapni mu: "Dolazi policija!"
14. Namršti se i mumljaj: "Moram u WC, moram u WC", a onda uzdahni i reci: "ups!"
15. Vikni:"Čuvaaaaj!" svaki put kad lift krene prema dole.
16. Zaderi se:"Ding!",kad god lift stane na nekom katu.
17. Ako se netko očeše o tebe, lupi ga po ruci i reci: "šuga!"
18. Skidaj rukom nevidljive bube sa sebe i vrisni: "Aaaa! Skinite ih s mene!"
19. Sumnjičavo onjuši osobu do sebe, napravi zgađenu facu i pomakni se.
20. Kad lift krene prema gore, počni skakati i jako lupaj nogama o pod, uzvikujući:"Dole, rekao sam dole!"
21. Cerekaj se histerično desetak sekundi, prestani i onda se zagledaj u ostale kao da su nenormalni.::..

mAlO sLiKiCa...
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Razne porukice...

Dok noću kiša pada, sanjam Te... Dok vjetar odlazi u daljinu, želim Te... Dok gledam zalazak sunca, čekam Te... Dok

moje srce kuca, volim Te...

Nemoj se iznenaditi, ali ja sam u bolnici. Našli su mi kamen u bubregu, pijesak u crijevima i TEBE u mom srcu!

Oprosti mi zbog mog glupog ponašanja i glupih reakcija. Samo se bojim da te ne izgubim jer si najbolje što mi se ikada dogodilo.

Ako te srce zaboli,ako te u grudima stegne,ako osjetiš jaku čežnju i pamet ti se pomuti,nije to ljubav,to je infarkt!!
Voljeti je lijepo,voljeti je lako,al voljeti kao ja ne moze svatko...Koliko te volim to se teško pise,jer svakim trenom volim te sve visse!

U tihoj noci,dok sunce strepi,sjeti se mene andjele lijepi,ako te rastuze zvuci gitare i ako zivot zaboli,sjeti se da na ovom svijetu postoji netko tko te voli!!

Probudi se srce kad te njezno budim,probudi se srce zelim da te ljubim,jer poljupci moji ljepsi su od sna,probudi se ljubavi, jer te volim ja..

Nije ljubav kad spavaju dvoje-niti kad se slatke usne spoje-ljubav je tezina srca-srca koje zna da boli-zato uvijek budi vjeran-onom ko te voli!

Kad se probudis jedne divne noci,ti pogledaj kroz prozor svoj i preko najlijepse zvijezde primi poljubac moj!

Dodji da ti nesto sapnem na usta mozda pronademo zajednicki JEZIK!

Prema clanku 11,odluku 4 ljubavne knjige osudjujem te na dozivotni zatvor u mom srcu.Protiv ove optuzbe nemoze se uloziti prigovor!

Eh,da mogu,u sitne sate,kada ne misli navedu na te,da tiho,necujno svratim i tebi se za ljubav obratim!

Brzo otvori prozor. Jesi? Nisi. Ajde daj. A sad lovi....Jos malo...Evo je,dolazi..Doletjela je samo za TEBE najveca pusa na SVIJETU!

Pogledom pratit cu te,dodirom hrabrit cu te,zagrljajem branit cu te,poljupcima hranit cu te,suzama tjesit cu te,zauvijek VOLJET CU TE!!
Kad ponoć se spusti i prekrije prozor tvoj, po nebeskoj pomračini poljubac ti šaljem svoj!Nek poljubac stigne gdje nemogu ja ! Nek ti tiho šapne da te volim ja!!

Reci mi , reci, ako znaš točno, kako se ljubi ovako sočno.Reci mi , reci,kaži mi kaži, ali još bolje to mi pokaži!!

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rock is for ever and rock is my life

a ima tu swega...owo je blogach jedne lude cure,ostalo cete saznati u postowima i boxewima...kommajte mi,kiza...

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Tu su wam tekstowi od puuuuuuuuuno dobrih pjesama...

Too many tears-Whitesnake

I used to be the man for you,
Did everything you wanted me to,
So, tell me, baby,
What did I do wrong...

I told you what you wanted to know,
Precious secrets never spoken before.
All I'm asking,
Where did I go wrong...

Some things are better left unsaid,
But, all I do is cry instead,
Now, I've cried me a river,
Thinking how it used to be...

There've been too many tears falling,
And there've been too many hearts
Breaking in two.
Remember what we had together,
Believing it would last forever.
So, tell me, baby,
Where did I go wrong...

Everything I had was yours,
More than I have ever given before,
So, won't you tell me
Did I hurt you so bad...

I guess I'm fooling myself,
'Cause I want you and no one else.
And I can't understand
Why you're doing these things to me...

And there've been too many tears falling,
And there've been too many hearts
Breaking in two...
Remember what we had together,
Believing it would last forever.
So, tell me, baby,
Where did I go wrong, where did I go wrong...

Now my heart is breaking,
My whole world is shaking,
'Cause I can't understand
Why you're doing these things to me...

There've been too many tears falling,
And there've been too many hearts
Breaking in two...
Remember what we had together,
Believing it would last forever...
So, tell me, baby,

Where did I go wrong
Where did I go wrong
Where did I go wrong...

I wanna touch U-Def leppard

I wanna touch U
Till we're stuck like glue
I wanna touch U

I get high on U
I'm on fire over U
And I can't let U go
I can't let U go

I got love on the
rise and I burn like
your fire
Got my eye on the
prize, got love in
my sights
And I can't let U go
I can't let U go

Give me no reasons
Give me no rhymes
Give me that feelin'
All of the time

I wanna touch U
Till we're stuck like glue
I wanna touch U
Yeah, baby, that is true
I wanna touch U
Nobody else will do, girl
I wanna touch U
Cause a little too much
Could never be
enough now, yeah

Come on
I get wired on U and
I thrill to your
[ Find more Lyrics at ]
Yeah, I-I excite
over U, can't stop
this landslide of
No, no, I can't let U go
I can't let U go, oh

Give me no reasons
Give me no rhymes
Give me that feelin'
All of the time

I wanna touch U
Till we're stuck like glue
I wanna touch U
Yeah, baby, that is true
I wanna touch U
Nobody else will do, no
I wanna touch U
Cause a little too much
Could never be enough
Never be enough now

Give me no reasons
Give me no rhymes
Give me that feelin'
All of the time

I wanna touch U
Nobody else will do
I wanna touch U
I wanna touch U, yeah
I wanna touch U
Till we're stuck like glue
I wanna touch U
Yeah, baby, that is true
Nobody else but U girl
I wanna touch U
Oh, till we get it right
I wanna touch U
Yeah, make it last all night
I wanna touch U
Baby U excite
I wanna touch, touch U
Cos a little too much
Could never be enough, no

You shook me all night long-AC/DC

She was a fast machine
She kept her motor clean
She was the best damn woman I had ever seen
She had the sightless eyes
Telling me no lies
Knockin' me out with those American thighs
Taking more than her share
Had me fighting for air
She told me to come but I was already there

'Cause the walls start shaking
The earth was quaking
My mind was aching
And we were making it and you -

Shook me all night long

Working double time
On the seduction line
She was one of a kind, she's just mine all mine
She wanted no applause
Just another course
Made a meal out of me and came back for more
Had to cool me down

To take another round
Now I'm back in the ring to take another swing

'Cause the walls were shaking
The earth was quaking
My mind was aching
And we were making it and you -

Shook me all night long

Touch too much-AC/DC

It was one of those nights
When you turned out the lights
And everything comes into view
She was taking her time
I was losing my mind
There was nothing that she wouldn't do
It wasn't the first
It wasn't the last
She knew we was making love
I was so satisfied
Deep down inside
Like a hand in a velvet glove
Seems like a touch, a touch too much
Seems like a touch, a touch too much
Too much for my body, too much for my brain
This damn woman's gonna drive me insane
She's got a touch, a touch too much
She had the face of an angel
Smiling with sin
The body of Venus with arms
Dealing with danger
Stroking my skin
Like a thunder and lightening storm
It wasn't the first
It wasn't the last
It wasn't that she didn't care
She wanted it hard
And wanted it fast
She liked it done medium rare
Seems like a touch, touch too much
You know it's much too much, much too much
I really want to feel you touch too much
Girl you know you're giving me much too much
Seems like a touch
Just a dirty little touch
I really need your touch
Cause you're much too much too much too much
Seems like a touch, a touch too much
Seems like a touch, a touch too much

Have you ever needed someone so bad-Def leppard

Here I am, I’m in the wrong bed again
It’s just a game I just can’t win
There you are breathin’ soft on my skin
Still you won’t let me in
Why save your kisses for a rainy day
Baby let the moment take your heart away
Have you ever needed someone so bad, yeah
Have you ever wanted someone
You just couldn’t have
Did you ever try so hard
That your world just fell apart
Have you ever needed someone so bad
And you’re the girl I gotta have
I gotta have you baby
There you go, midnight promises again

But they’re broken by the dawn
You wanna go further, faster every day baby
But in the morning you’ll be gone
And I’m alone
[Repeat Bridge]
[Repeat Chorus]
Every dream I dream is like
Some Kinda rash ‘n’ reckless scene
To give out such crazy love
ou must be some kinda drug
And if my time don’t ever come
For me you’re still the same
Damned if I don’t, damned if I do
I gotta get a fix on you
[Repeat chorus]

Pour some sugar on me-Def leppard

Step inside, walk this way
You and me babe, Hey, hey!

Love is like a bomb, baby, c'mon get it on
Livin' like a lover with a radar phone
Lookin' like a tramp, like a video vamp
Demolition woman, can I be your man?
Razzle 'n' a dazzle 'n' a flash a little light
Television lover, baby, go all night
Sometime, anytime, sugar me sweet
Little miss ah innocent sugar me, yeah

C'mon, take a bottle, shake it up
Break the bubble, break it up

Pour some sugar on me
Ooh, in the name of love
Pour some sugar on me
C'mon fire me up
Pour your sugar on me
Oh, I can't get enough

I'm hot, sticky sweet
From my head to my feet yeah

Listen! red light, yellow light, green-a-light go!
Crazy little woman in a one man show
Mirror queen, mannequin, rhythm of love
Sweet dream, saccharine, loosen up

You gotta squeeze a little, squeeze a little
Tease a little more
Easy operator come a knockin' on my door
Sometime, anytime, sugar me sweet
Little miss innocent sugar me, yeah

Take a bottle, shake it up
Break the bubble, break it up

Pour some sugar on me
Ooh, in the name of love
Pour some sugar on me
C'mon fire me up
Pour your sugar on me
Oh, I can't get enough

I'm hot, sticky sweet
From my head to my feet yeah

[guitar solo]

You got the peaches, I got the cream
Sweet to taste, saccharine
'Cos I'm hot, say what, sticky sweet
From my head, my head, to my feet

Do you take sugar? one lump or two?

Take a bottle, shake it up
Break the bubble, break it up

Pour some sugar on me
Ooh, in the name of love
Pour some sugar on me
C'mon fire me up
Pour your sugar on me
Oh, I can't get enough
Pour some sugar on me
Oh, in the name of love
Pour some sugar on me
Get it, come get it
Pour your sugar on me
Pour some sugar on me
Yeah! Sugar me!

Rocket-Def leppard

White lights, strange city, mad music
(all around)
Midnight, street magic, (ah) crazy people
(crazy sound)
Jack flash, rocket man
Sergeant pepper and the band
Ziggy, benny and the jets
Ah, take a rocket

We just gotta fly
(I can take you through the center of the dark)
We’re gonna fly
(on a collision course to crash into my heart)
I will be your, I will be your, I’ll be your
(rocket yeah satellite of love)
(rocket yeah satellite of love)
(rocket yeah satellite of love)

Rocket baby!
C’mon, I’ll be your satellite of love

Spotlight, magnetic, razor rhythm
(laser love)
Guitar, drums, load up, stun!
Jet black johnny b
Ah gene jenie, killer queen
Dizzy lizzy major tom
So c’mon

Rocket baby!
C’mon, we’re gonna fly

(rocket yeah!)

Guitar, drums, load up!
We’re gonna fly
(rocket yeah)
Satellite of love
We’re gonna fly
(rocket yeah)
Satellite of love
Rocket yeah!

Still of the night-Whitesnake

In the Still of the Night
I hear the wolf howl, honey
Sniffing around your door
In the Still of the Night
I feel my heart beating heavy
Telling me I gotta have more
In the shadow of night
I see the full moon rise
Telling me what?s in store,
My heart start aching
My body start a shaking
And I can?t take no more, no, no
Now I just wanna get close to you
An? taste your love so sweet
And I just wanna make love to you
Feel your body heat...
In the Still of the Night...
In the Still of the Night...
Over here baby...
In the heat of the day
I hang my head down low
And hide my face from the sun
Through the light of the day
Until the evening time
I?m waiting for the night to come
In the Still of the Night,
In the cool moonlight,
I feel heart is aching
In the Still of the Night...
Tell me here baby
In the Still of the Night
I hear the wolf howl, honey
Sniffing around your door...
In the Still of the Night
I feel my heart beating heavy
Telling me I gotta have more...
Now I just wanna get close to you
An? taste your love so sweet
And I just wanna make love to you
Feel your body heat.
In the Still of the Night...
Still of the Night,
Still of the Night,
Still of the Night... - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

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nedjelja, 29.03.2009.

A joooooj...koliko nisam pisala...sad cu opet naci wremena...uhhh

Da...nisam dugo ziwot mi je ostao isti...swade sa starom...grrrr...zena me izluduje, oke...frendica me tjesi...shwatila sam...ona mi je stwarno NAJfrendica...od prwog razreda...nikad me nije izdala,iznewjerila itd....ludacha moja-a s kim si,takaw si...ljubaw moja mi uljepsawa swaki dan owog mog jadnog,okrutnog stwarno je takaw...a Nikola moj me tako neopisiwo...skola me mal mrda,ali rijesit cu ja to...eto...swe za pocetak mog ponownog redowitog pisanja...kommajte mi,pozz za sad,kizasretansretankisskisscerekcerekwavewavedeaddeadwavewavecerekcerekkisskisssretansretan

Armageddon it-Def leppard

Ya better come inside when you're ready to
But no chance if ya don't wanna dance
You like four letter words when you're ready to
But then you won't 'cos you know that you can

You got it, but are you gettin' it?

You say that love is won when you get some
But then your finger won't trigger the gun

You know you (ya) can't stop it
so don't rock it
You know you got it

Hey, but are you gettin' it?
really gettin' it?
Come get it from me

Gimme all of you lovin' - ev'ry little bit
Gimme all that you got - ev'ry bit of it
Ev'ry bit of your lovin - oh, c'mon live a bit
Never want it to stop

Yeah, but are you gettin' it? - Armageddon it!
Ooh, really gettin' it? - Yes, Armaggedon it!

You try comin' on when you need some...
But then you don't 'cos you already did
Yeah, you jangle your jewels while your shakin' ya...
And drive the pretty boys outta their heads

You got it, but are you gettin' it?

You flash your bedroom eyes like a jumpin' jack...
Then play it pretty with a pat on the back

You know you (ya) can't stop it
So don't rock it
You know you got it
Hey, but are you gettin' it?
Ooh, really gettin' it?
Come get it from me

[Repeat Bridge]

[Repeat Chorus]

C'mon, Steve, get it

[guitar solo]
Take it, take it, take it from me
I got an itchy finger following me
Pull it, pull it, c'mon trigger the gun
'Cos the best is (a) yet to come, I say
'Cos the best is yet to come

Are you gettin' it? Really gettin' it?
Yes, are you gettin' it, really gettin' it?
Oh, come get it from me

Gimme all of you lovin' - ev'ry little bit
Gimme all that you got - ev'ry bit of it
Ev'ry bit of your lovin' - Oh come on live a bit
Never want it to stop - Oh, are you getting it?
Gimme all of your lovin' - Ooh really gettin' it?
Gimme all that you got - Oh are you getting it?
Gimme all of your lovin' - Oh live a bit
Gimme all that you got - Whoa, live a bit

You've got to live it - gimme all of your lovin'
Ooh baby live it - gimme all that you got
C'mon and give it - ev'ry bit of your lovin'
Oh come on and give it - Never want it to stop
Oh are you gettin' it? - Gimme all of your lovin'
Ooh really gettin' it? - Gimme all that you got
Oh are you gettin' it? - Ev'ry bit of your lovin'
Oh live a bit - Never want it to stop

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subota, 28.02.2009.

Ewo meeeeeee.......ljubawi,nije mi bilo dobro,bilo mi je...preeeedobro...hhh,ali kada nije?!! KiSs

Ewo da mi se pisat,samo zelim pozzat swog Nikolu,wolim ga puuuuuuuuuuuuuno...i obozawam i swe to skupa...najradije bi osla s njim wan i nikada se ne wratila kuci...da smo skupa dwa dana,meni ne bi bilo dosta wremena...hhh...mogla bi s njim bit zauwijek...heh...eto,pozz swima,posebno mojoj ljubawi,Nikola,wolim te,puse...kisskisscerekcerekkisskiss

You had me from hello-Bon Jovi

At the mirror you fix your hair and put your makeup on
Youre insecure about what clothes to wear
I cant see nothing wrong

To me you look so beautiful when you cant make up your mind
Its half past eight, its getting late
Its ok, take your time

Standing here my hands in my pockets
Like I have a thousand times
Thinking back it took one breath
One word to change my life

The first time I saw you it felt like coming home
If I never told you I just want you to know
You had me from hello

When we walk into a crowded room its like were all alone
Everybody tries to kidnap your attention
You just smile and steal the show

You come to me and take my hand
We start dancin slow
You put your lips up to my ear and whisper way down low

From the first time I saw you it felt like coming home
If I never told you I just want you to know
You had me from hello

And when youre laying down beside me
I feel your heartbeat to remind me...

The first time I saw you it felt like coming home
If I never told you I just want you to know
You had me from hello

From hello
From hello

Bed of roses-Bon Jovi

Sitting here wasted and wounded
At this old piano
Trying hard to capture
The moment this morning I dont know
cause a bottle of vodka
Is still lodged in my head
And some blond gave me nightmares
I think shes still in my bed
As I dream about movies
They wont make of me when Im dead

With an ironclad fist I wake up and
French kiss the morning
While some marching band keeps
Its own beat in my head
While were talking
About all of the things that I long to believe
About love and the truth and
What you mean to me
And the truth is baby youre all that I need

I want to lay you on a bed of roses
For tonite I sleep on a bed on nails
I want to be just as close as the holy ghost is
And lay you down on bed of roses

Well Im so far away
That each step that I take is on my way home
A kings ransom in dimes Id given each night
Just to see through this payphone
Still I run out of time
Or its hard to get through
Till the bird on the wire flies me back to you
Ill just close my eyes and whisper,
Baby blind love is true

I want to lay you down on a bed of roses
For tonite I sleep on a bed on nails
I want to be just as close as the holy ghost is
And lay you down on bed of roses

The hotel bar hangover whiskeys gone dry
The barkeepers wigs crooked
And shes giving me the eye
I might have said yeah
But I laughed so hard I think I died

When you close your eyes
Know Ill be thinking about you
While my mistress she calls me
To stand in her spotlight again
Tonite I wont be alone
But you know that dont
Mean Im not lonely Ive got nothing to prove
For its you that Id die to defend

I want to lay you down on a bed of roses
For tonite I sleep on a bed on nails
I want to be just as close as the holy ghost is
And lay you down on bed of roses

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srijeda, 25.02.2009.


Aaaaaaaaaaa....sad sam se wratila...bila na dodjeli nagrada najboljim sportasima Brodsko-Posawske zupanije u 2008.godini. Isla sam jer smo mi najbolja skola u sportu i jos nes iz kluba-odbojka...i bilo je jos nagrade za najbolje sportase,ma swe super,swe 5...i te sportase su citali po klubowima-sportu i citali ime i prezime nakon cega taj treba doc po to neko priznanje...i citaju oni decke iz kajak-kanu kluba...i procitaju mog decka,ja neam na racunu i nismo se culi i ponadam se da cu ga widit,a njega neeeeemaaaaa....aaaaaaa.......a ja se ponadala da cu ga widiiiiiiiiiit,kmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...........neam wolje da wam pisem...jawim se u subotu...pozz,puse Nikoli,wolim ga puno...fali mi...

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petak, 20.02.2009.

Love ain't no stranger.....

Eeeeeeeeeewo menee...dugo wam nisam pisala...sigurno sam wam falila,LoL,da SIGURNO...Sretno wam Walentinowo s prilicno welikim zakasnjenjem...meni je owo walentinowo bilo se samo sjetim...(i ne,Jetame,LoL,ne pjewam onu grr pjesmu...)...bila sam narawno sa swojim Nikolom...ljubaw moja...ali nawecer,prijepodne sam imala utakmicu,aaaa...ona bijela gowna su opet napadala,al dobro je,otapaju se..mislim na snijeg...i na Walentinowo je padao...grr...ali ljubaw moja je meni dala kapu...heh...brine se za mene...i grijao bilo mi je super,wruce,mmm....s puno pusa....................aaahh...u skoli je zabawno...osim sto sam danas skoro polomila nogu pod tjelesnim...auuuuu...hhh...i bilo mi je wruce u skoli,a ne smijem skinit majicu,LoL...idem na glupo natjecanje iz likownog...sad moram tam crtat neke gluposti....imam rok do kada treba biti gotowo...u nedjelju smo imali utakmicu protiw Pozege i Belog Manastira...pobijedile smo obje i prwaci smo zupanije...weeeeeee...dobili smo nekog medwjedica plisanog,zowe se Crevo,al nismo mi smisljale ime, da mi se wise pisati,stawim neke slike u box...LoL...ode,pozz Hrci,raz........&polomljenom,SHLjIVI&Wale,swim Matejima koje znam...Doris&V....,Martini&Veci...hhh...Grizliju mom,i narawno mojoj ljubawi...kisses...

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četvrtak, 12.02.2009.

Ewo ne sjecam se kad sam zadnji put pisala...

A joooooooj...kad sam ja pisala....uffff...LooooL...nzm sad ni gdje da pocnem,ma necu ic puno unazad...jucer sam opet bila na utakmici,i igrala sam,i zabila sam par poena za nas...utakmica zawrsi,mi pobijedili,swi skacu,a ja odem do Sare i pitam ju kak se zowem...LoooooooL...nisam mogla wjerowat da sam igrala,a kamoli dobila par poena za nas...weeee...poslije utakmice na trening,LoooL,nisam ni isla kuci...u skoli sto gluposti zbog Walentonowa...u petak nawecer ce bit neka zabawa...necu ic...Sara,Iwona i ja cemo ici na trening,doc ce i Doris...sinoc na treningu sam bila mal hiperaktiwna...a Doris se nije dalo igrat...ona je stajala,a ja sam joj objasnjawala da ne smije zaspat i demonstrirala joj to,na nacin da sam na kraju lezala na podu (namjerno) a ona se kidala od smijeha...i kad sam se napokon htjela ustat,upoala sam i jao bolilo je...umirale smo od da mi se wise pisati...ode,pozz swima,puse

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nedjelja, 08.02.2009.

Ewo da jawim kak smo prosle...i kak sam ja prosla i jos par stwari...

Ewo mene...u petak smo pobijedile,ali ja sam bila na klupi,u subotu smo u Belom Manastiru imali dwije utakmice,protiw njih i protiw Pozege...jednu smo pobijedili,ja bila na klupi,a drugu izgubili...u toj drugoj sam igrala i ja,al lopta nije dosla do nea weze...nawecer bila wani s Nikolom...joooooj ljubaw mojaaa,obozawam gaa...bilo mi je bas toplo,mogla bi rec i wruce...hhh....frendica se naljutila na mene jer nisam dns isla s njom na misu,a na Saru (drugu frendicu) se naljutila jer joj nije odgoworila na poruku u kojoj je pitala jesmo jos wani...i sad je ona s Tonkom wani i ogowara mene wec bar pola briga me...skroz...neda mi se wise pisati...pozz swima,kiza...i puse mojoj ljubawi,Nikola wolim te puno, Wale,nadam se da ces se brzo oporawit...pusiceee...i weeeliki pozzz SHLjIVI&Wale...

Tko je najbolji? BROD!!!....i Nazor
crweni su zakon...

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četvrtak, 05.02.2009.

Ewo me,nisam wam dugo pisala...drzi te mi figee...trebat ce mi....

Eyyyyyy...prwo da objasnim zast mi trebate drzat fige...sutra i preksutra idem na utakmicu...sutra tu,u Hugi-skola Hugo Badalic,a preksutra u Belom Manastiru...aaaa...nerwozna sam...sinoc sam se cula s Tetejom...sad smo frendowi...drago mi je zbog toga...ipak smo se cijelo ljeto dopisiwali i swasta jos,pa mi je glupo da ni ne pricamo wise...zbog njega sam ja dobila nadimak TETEJka...koji mi je ostao,jos me frendice tak zowu...nea weze...u skoli dosadno kao i uwijek....Nikola nea na racunu,kmeee...ko ce me sad smiriwat da ne explodiram prije utakmice,aaaa...LooooooL,a dobro...nea weze,fali mi jako,ljubaw sam da cu wam puno pisat,al nije tak jawim kak sam prosla,pooooozzz,puse

Bed of roses-Bon Jovi

Sitting here wasted and wounded
At this old piano
Trying hard to capture
The moment this morning I dont know
cause a bottle of vodka
Is still lodged in my head
And some blond gave me nightmares
I think shes still in my bed
As I dream about movies
They wont make of me when Im dead

With an ironclad fist I wake up and
French kiss the morning
While some marching band keeps
Its own beat in my head
While were talking
About all of the things that I long to believe
About love and the truth and
What you mean to me
And the truth is baby youre all that I need

I want to lay you on a bed of roses
For tonite I sleep on a bed on nails
I want to be just as close as the holy ghost is
And lay you down on bed of roses

Well Im so far away
That each step that I take is on my way home
A kings ransom in dimes Id given each night
Just to see through this payphone
Still I run out of time
Or its hard to get through
Till the bird on the wire flies me back to you
Ill just close my eyes and whisper,
Baby blind love is true

I want to lay you down on a bed of roses
For tonite I sleep on a bed on nails
I want to be just as close as the holy ghost is
And lay you down on bed of roses

The hotel bar hangover whiskeys gone dry
The barkeepers wigs crooked
And shes giving me the eye
I might have said yeah
But I laughed so hard I think I died

When you close your eyes
Know Ill be thinking about you
While my mistress she calls me
To stand in her spotlight again
Tonite I wont be alone
But you know that dont
Mean Im not lonely Ive got nothing to prove
For its you that Id die to defend

I want to lay you down on a bed of roses
For tonite I sleep on a bed on nails
I want to be just as close as the holy ghost is
And lay you down on bed of roses

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nedjelja, 01.02.2009.

Aaaaaaa,ne da mi se pisati,LoL

Da...owo ce biti jaaaaaaaako kratak post...LooooL...
Sad sam bila wani s Nikolom...bilo je bas...supeerrrr...i wruce...i toplo...i mmm...
Nije mi bilo hladno...ljubaw moja mene uwijek ja njega obozawam...wolim ga wise od cokolade,a cokoholicarka sam,LoL...
Wolim ne moze se to rijecima opisati,ni brojewima,jer tako welik broj nema ime,a i nebi ga mogla napisat jer bi bio preeeeeeeedugacak...weee...
Bas sam happy kad o tome ja sam luda...i .uda sam za njim...njegowa poruka mi uljepsa dan...on mi uljepsawa cijeli ziwot...
Swe sto me muci,swa sranja i depre i swe,swe bi presla samo da mogu s njim nzm nista wise...osim da ga wolim...nzm sta bi ja bez njega...s njim mogu bit skroz iskrena...on mi stwarno nzm to rijecima opisat uopce...on je meni swe...swe najdraze,swe najwaznije, prijateljica me wise ne kuzi,nista...ew maloprije smo se pokacile,jbg,zao mi je...ona mi je naj frendica...s drugima uopce nisam bas nest nego s njom,na neki nacin sam swe prijatelje izgubila zbog nje,sad nemojte to kriwo onak,sto sam se wise druzila samo s njom,tak sam gubila bliskost sa swim drugim prijateljima i kad nje nema,ja samo trcim za njima i osjecam se kao wisak... a tako je nije mi zao...jer ona je frendica koja je bolja od njih 1000 skupa i radije cu bit samo s njom u takwim naj frendowskim odnosima neg s onih 1000 koji bi me kad tad smrdali,izdali ili wec nesta...u bokte,jesam se raspisala...necu wise...jawim se uskoro,kiza,pozz...puse mom Nikoli,ljubawi wolim te puuuuno...cerekwavecerekmahcerekwavecerekmahcerek

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subota, 31.01.2009.

Ewo me opet...wee,sinoc sam bila s Nikolom...ljubaw moja,wolim ga punoooo...

Eeeeeeewo meeeeeee...heh,u petak bila OPET dezurna,LooooooL,super je osjecaj ne biti na nastawi dwa dana u tjednu...bila dezurna s Petrom,bilo je oke...osim sto je Miro opet pricao swasta...i morala sam mu cuwati hlace...joooooooj...sinoc sam sanjala da mi mama nije dala na trening pa sam pobjegla...i oko 0800h ujutro,ja se probudim i kazem sestricni: ''Nemoj rec mami (i sjetim se da sam samo sanjala) ,ma de nisam ja normalna.'' Pitam se kako je to njoj zwucalo,jadna ona samnom...hhh...jucer sam se widila s Nikolom...bilo je super,wruce,mmm...ali nisam smjela dugo biti jer su mi sestricne dosle,a da sam mogla,bilo bi jos bolje,u to sam sigurna...tesko je mislit na romantiku...kad si tako mmm dobar...LoL,pjewam ja...aaahh...neki lik ne wjeruje mojoj ljubawi da sam mu ja cura...hhh...aj dorro...bila dns kod bratica...ludak,stalno me zaj*****...i skakljikao me, wolim ja njega...i Nikolu wolim...a i on me woli zaj******...nadam se da ce sutra imat wremena da se widimo...hhh...jbg,ima on puno za ucit,a imam i ja...opet sam se pokacila s samo sam otisla u drugu slobu i pustila glazbu...kad je dosla nisam pricala s njom i eto...briga me...jedna osoba me ziwcira,mrzim kad se neko preserawa i prawi pametan zbog nekih swojih gluposti medu kojima ima i eto...i mrzim dwolicne umisljene ne podnosim...grr...necu wam wise pisat...i owo je puuuuuuuuuuno...pozz swima,kiza i puuuuno wrucih pusa mom Nikoli,ljubawi,wolim te puno,KISSes..cerekkisscerek

Love bites-Def leppard

If you've got love in your sights
Watch out, love bites

When you make love, do you look in the mirror?
Who do you think of, does he look like me?
Do you tell lies and say that it's forever?
Do you think twice, or just touch 'n' see?
Ooh babe ooh yeah

When you're alone, do you let go?
Are you wild 'n' willin' or is it just for show?
Ooh c'mon

I don't wanna touch you too much baby
'Cos making love to you might drive me crazy
I know you think that love is the way you make it
So I don't wanna be there when you decide to break it

Love bites, love bleeds
It's bringin' me to my knees
Love lives, love dies
It's no surprise
Love begs, love pleads
It's what I need

When I'm with you are you somewhere else?
Am I gettin' thru or do you please yourself?
When you wake up will you walk out?
It can't be love if you throw it about
Ooh babe

I don't wanna touch you too much baby
'Cos making love to you might drive me crazy

[Repeat Chorus]

[guitar solo]

Ooh yeah

[Repeat Bridge]

Love bites, love bleeds
It's bringin' me to my knees
Love lives, love dies

[Repeat Chorus]

If you've got love in your sights
Watch out, love bites
Yes it does
It will be hell

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četvrtak, 29.01.2009.

Ewo meeeeee....hhh...

Ewo me...mislim da necu puno pisati,ali mozd mi de omakne,LoL...
U pon bila dezurna...bilo je dobro...prwi sat je s nama bio Matej i Hrco,drugi Vladimir i jos neko,pa Ante i bilo je zabawno...a i da je bilo dosadno,bolje mi se dosadiwati tamo nego na nastawi...hhh...sutra sam opet dezurna-mijenjam frenda...weeeee...nea me na likownom,hhh,a bas sam smislila sta cu weze...u skoli je narawno,bilo osadno...rijetko kada malo smijeha i gluposti...hhh...
Isla u srijedu na trening,bilo super...
Swake weceri se dopam s Nikolom...ljubaw moja...wolim ga puuuuuno...pozz SWIMA...jawim se...pozz,kizamahwavemahwave

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